Sunday, July 24, 2011

english class is fun!

i guess i should probably update about my first week at school.. since tomorrow starts week two.. my how time flies..

so class.. hmm.. sometimes i have to think that its going to be a long long two years but other times it just seems to fly by.. this week for example.. it seemed like it took forever to get to just wednesday but now.. its sunday and im going to start it all over again tomorrow.. pretty crazy..

so the first class i taught was tenth grade.. and luckily it was only for 45 minutes.. the first day of school mixed everything up.. i did the normal introduction.. not too much stuff had to be translated.. then i had them answer some questions so i could get to know them a little bit better.. some of the students didnt really care but i guess thats the same in the US.. not everyone cares about their school work.. next i taught/ asked questions to an 11th grade class.. quite exciting.. not really but its interesting to see the difference between 10th and 11th grade.. theres a huge curve of understanding though you still have some students who dont try because they dont like english..

overall it was an ok first day.. the phrase that keeps going around in my head is english here is like pulling teeth.. which was how i felt a majority of the time this week.. most of the students dont want to talk, which i can understand i never wanted to participate in class, but it just makes the class DRAAAGGGGGG when no one cares.. i find myself looking at my watch watching the minutes slowly tick by.. for me the classes are about a half hour too long.. i think sitting in class for an hour and a half is wayyyyyy too long.. students start to get bored and then unmanageable.. its really tough when your in a class that doesnt have anyone who is willing to participate.. ugh.. guess its something that ill have to get over..

the week went by without any problems.. actually for taking such a long time it went by really fast.. monday i ended up getting all the packages that my mom and grandparents sent.. so it made my day.. and then tuesday i went to a teachers volleyball game.. which was interesting.. sadly my school lost.. but it meant that we could go home so i was kinda happy about that..

but hmm.. what else.. trying to come up with fun stuff for class.. still not really sure what my role is in class.. sometimes i feel useless sitting there while the other teacher is teaching.. other times i feel like my input isnt really being listened to? which i cant fault the teachers but sometimes it frustrating saying something and then having the teacher to the opposite.. but i keep telling myself its only the first week and we have a lot of time to work it all out.. a lot of the volunteers told us that it took months to find a good rhythm.. so cant start getting too frustrated yet.. the other issue i have is with the subject matter.. i think its too hard and often times very redundant.. in one of my classes the teacher was talking about asking and giving opinion.. she wrote down some ideas on the board and then 5 minutes before class was over announced that i would give them some more to talk about.. but after spending like 45 minutes on the stuff before i didnt think anymore time needed to be spent on the subject.. i think, while the kids may not be able to articulate well in english, they understand the subject matter.. all the students were done discussing like 10 minutes in to the activity and the rest of the time they were just talking.. i know practice makes perfect but at a certain point its like beating a dead horse.. they got it.. theres no point in continuing on and making more of the lesson.. and im not good with coming up with stuff on the spot (which may be my downfall..) but had the teacher let me know ahead of time about the class i may have had a few ideas..

i really think thats going to be the hardest thing.. is getting the teachers to tell me several days before hand what it is their teaching so i can create activities to go with the lessons.. that way i can be prepared and not put on the spot.. again a work in progress..

hm.. so not too much else to talk about.. next week i may go to a dance class taught by one of the teachers.. this has the potential to be hilarious haha.. and then next month is Ramadan.. classes are shorter the whole month of August and everyone is hungry because you have to fast.. should be a fun few weeks..

this was dinner.. i of course did not partake.. nottttt my favorite fish.. smelled pretty good though..

also here is some more stuff you can add to the list to send to me.. just some ideas.. starting to get really sick of rice.. ive started to eat fruit for lunch instead of rice.. gotta change it up..

Any "just add water" mixes
pasta side dishes (
special k protien bars
American magazines
think thin protein bars (trader joes..)
luna bars
kashi go lean bars
nutrigrain bars
Crystal Light Flavors (if you can find them)
-raspberry peach
-white peach tea
-tropical blend
-mixed berry
-strawberry orange banana
-Crystal Light Mocktails mojito
-peach mango

well now another week.. heres to time flying!

love you all :)

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