Sunday, January 29, 2012


so last week I sat around and watched some youtube videos with my host fam and shared some music that we both like. It was a pretty interesting cultural exchange I must say..

I also ran across a video of this police office who made a music dance video to an Indian song. He became pretty famous around the time that I came to Indo and all they showed on TV were little clips.. I finally watched it (not all 6 minutes) and i have to say it was pretty funny.. Now my idea of funny may have changed since coming here.. But most of the video (about 4 minutes) is pretty good.. Luckily I was surrounded by my host sisters as I was laughing -  side note -  laughing while by yourself makes you look crazy.. I found this out when I was reading something online and I started laughing. My friend and my host mother stopped in my doorway and started calling me crazy.. I explained I was reading some funny stories and they just couldnt understand why I was laughing.. by myself.. at my computer.. Sometimes I really dont get what they think here.. I mean I know its not normal to sit and laugh at a computer screen.. all the time.. but at least I was doing something and not starring blankly at the screen.. I dunno..

it was an interesting week of computer tech/ culture exchange..

SO! The videos..

First: Briptu Norman singing Chaiya Chaiya (Which is from India..)

This second one is one most people have already seen BUT its totally worth watching again. In the beginning of January some people got married and then the husband did a dance for his wife.. yeah yeah.. Crazy thing is.. this couple is friends with one of the volunteers here, no other than Daniel (from my training village) PRETTTTTYYY crazy.. and such a small small world..

Third: Two weeks ago I went to a woman's prayer group at the musholla by my house (small mosque). There I got to sit for maybe an hour and listen to the women pray and honestly it was one of the most relaxing things.. Ever.. It was kinda like listening to chant music which sometimes is really soothing. I probably could have fallen asleep to them singing. Next time I will have to bring my camera and video it. Trying to find an example on youtube is surprisingly hard..
(yeah totally impossible.. ill try again soon..)

Finally a little video of one of the most popular tv shows in Indo: Sean the Sheep. Pretty sure this comes from England or somewhere around there. Anyways its pretty amusing and one of the easiest shows to watch - no indonesian :)

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