Friday, November 23, 2012

When Things Go Right: I’m Genuinely Happy

No, there hasnt been a glitch. That title does say that I am happy.

Who’da thunk?

It’s amazing that it’s taken thing long in my service for things to finally click, but click they did. The past few weeks have been full of laughing, smiles and bonding - and not with other PCV’s. No I’m talking about my little wonders, my amazing students.

After talking with one of my fellow volunteers, oh months ago now (ahhh time is flying!), I decided that I needed to do more. That’s something that all volunteers feel.. the NEED to do something to make their service worthwhile. I’ve already completed an LKS, taught some classes, gotten around my village.. yet something was missing. I wasn’t entirely happy with the way things went my first year and I was already feeling like I was in a slump that I would not be able to break this last year. Thus the idea of extra speaking practice with Miss Allyson, was born. While this is NOT a sustainable project (I’ll be leaving in 6ish months..) it has drastically changed how I view some of my students, and I’d like to think, how they view me.

We’ve talked about the future, movies, music, peace.. And the ideas keep coming because these kids are so willing to work with me. It’s also a nice change of pace only having to deal with 10 kids instead of a rowdy 36. These kids want to be here so they (most often) put in the effort and some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths.. It just amazes me how smart and generally amazing they are. I look forward to the end of the school day when I have these meetings, knowing that no matter how crappy my day may have started (or ended) these kids will have me smiling and laughing in no time.

Why oh why didn’t I do this last year?!? If I was in this place last year.. I probably would have signed up for a third year (don’t worry Mom..)

Getting to know these kids has been fun. I have these three students, who happen to be in my most frustrating grade 10 class, and they.. are always making me laugh. Eva Nanda is smart and full of life and big dreams and I can only hope that she manages to get far in life. Ghozi.. such a cute kid. He is always smiling and joking and honestly I can’t think of him without a smile on my face. The last kid, Karismawan, he’s quiet. I’m working on getting him to open up but when he smiles, just makes my day. Saturday’s I meet with just them and the last time we met it was pretty much laughing the entire hour. I really wish I could pack them up and bring them home with me, they are so cute! It’s going to be a lot harder leaving in June now.. Grrr

So here are some photos. First is a few (kinda badddd) from when we did tie-dying in English Club.

I LOVE HIM! he is always smiling :)

And here is from my Tuesday speaking group. We talked about peace (I stole this idea from Taylor, check out her blog ) While the English is a little funky, I think you can get the general gist of what they are trying to say.

Three cheers to being happy. Who woulda thought it feels so amazing?

love, love, LOVE you all :)

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