Monday, February 27, 2012

Another one bites the...

                             Another one bites the dust
                             Another one bites the dust
                 And another one gone, and another one gone
                             Another one bites the dust

this song has played through my head a couple of time the last few weeks.. its sad.. and pathetic.. sometimes i hate my mind..  its a worrisome thing really.. this past month we have lost 3 volunteers and are quite possibly going to be losing another in the next few weeks.. its nuts.. the second i hear that someone is leaving this song pops up and while it makes me laugh a little and stay positive, i also want to beat myself up for how inappropriate it is.. maybe its just my way of saying.. yeah it sucks.. BUT keep positive! i cant wallow in the fact that, yeah, my friends have decided that its time to move on.. what makes them happy is really the best and for some people its just their time. I cherish every memory that i have made with people who have left Indonesia. I wouldnt trade anything for those memories. They made me who i am here and ive learned a lot through the relationships that ive made.. so thank you to everyone who is here and who has left.. without you im not sure the experience would have been the same.. from late night chats to constant support.. its been a ride and while your train car got off early you will alway make this journey whole..

im sorry if this doesnt make too much sense, its hard to really express what i have going on in my head..

cheers to support and friends

love you all :)

1 comment:

  1. I have been awful about keeping up with your blog posts, but I haven't forgotten about you!! I have the same thoughts with that song when people drop out of classes or even when I throw out(or really recycle) my milk jug...haha. Keep up the good work over there! Also-I noticed that you're going home the week after I am going to be there...horrible planning on my part...
