Wednesday, August 10, 2011

creative ideas for a semi-uncreative person.. ha

so i need some ideas.. from anyone who reads this that has an idea..

starting next month i am going to have an english club about once a week.. lord knows what an 'english' club does.. i never joined a language club in high school..

i have some rough ideas for it but im not really sure..

first is tie-dying.. i know its not really english but.. i figure i can talk to the students and give them directions in english.. hah

then the other ideas is movies.. but i want to have a movie club so it may interfere.. but chances are i may not have time to do that since ill probably be the one in charge of english club..

but thats all that i have.. which is pretty sad.. you would think that i would be able to create more to do but i dunno..


side fact: these are some links of the call to prayer.. they arent from indonesia since i found them on youtube but they are so close to what i hear everyday that i had to share it.. i dunno if anyone too the time to look up the call to prayer but here you go! imagine this at 4 in the morning and then 4 other times throughout the day.. all different in some way..

first is:

this is the regular call to prayer.
Allahu akhbar( 2 x) = God is greatest
Allahu akhbar(2 x)= God is greatest
Ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah (2 x)= I bear witness that there is no god except the One and only God
Ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah(2x) =I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
Hayya alas Salah(2x)=Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
Hayya alal Falah(2x)= Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
Allahu akhbar (2x)= God is greatest
La ilaha illallah(1x)= There is no God except the one and only God

and then this is what happens in the afternoons.. they let the little kids take the mic and pray away.. sometimes its cute.. other times.. makes me want to cover my ears haha

well there we go.. this have been a post about needing help and sharing.. so hopefully ill get something.. or else i have no faith in anyone who reads this.. if anyone besides my family..

also getting tie-dye stuff in the mail would be awesome.. we have tshirts but i havent seen any dye.. so stuff at wal-mart or whatever.. just dye send it.. i can get bottles..

anyways.. hope all is well with everyone!

love you alllllllllllllll!!!! :)


  1. Oooooh.. a fun idea for english club would be game night.. it would help with team-building/strategy/english! I love games. If you think this is a good idea I can help you! :)

  2. Hi Allyson, Sara Harvey with Sigma Kappa here! I liked your interview in the Virtual Violet, so decided to check out your is great! When I was in the Spanish club in HS, we really liked learning about the culture of the country. Instead of showing movies, what about a TV series? Usually the language is pretty straight-forward and a comedy makes learning fun. Crafts was another good one...making collages from Spanish-language magazines was fun. I am sure you have thought a lot about this...what ideas have you come up with? How can I help you? All the best, Sara
