ive been in indonesia for almost a month now.. its kinda crazy knowing that it really hasnt been that long but it feels like forever.. but in a good way.. i am finally starting to feel like this is home.. i never really thought that i would really feel that way but every day that i spend here i know i will miss this country so much when i leave..
hmm so where to start with this week.. this week has been pretttttty long and im glad that the weekend is so close.. even though weekend is only one day now.. but its nice to know that a day off is coming.. hopefully this weekend is fun and it doesnt rain..
well so monday was our first day of working at the school and trying to do activities in class.. it was pretty interesting.. it was a little hard to concentrate after learning current world news.. it didnt seem real at all and to be honest it still doesnt.. it feels weird not being in the United States for something that big.. my family hasnt really been watching any tv stations that play the news so i have no idea what is going on in the world right now.. i can only imagine.. its times like this when i wish i had a modem so i could keep in touch with the world.. i feel so out of it..
but besides that the rest of the week went fairly well.. tuesday was pretty uneventful.. Daniel and I just went in did out activity in one class and then left for the day.. Then wednesday.. oh wednesday.. it wasnt really a good day for the teaching aspect of things.. when we got the chance to do an activity we thought we would try out simon says, just for a warm up activity.. Turns out the class was one of the largest at the school.. lovely.. so 33 students are packed into this tiny room and needless to say.. simon says was a fail.. it was obvious that a lot of the students had no idea what was going on.. so we ended that activity really quickly.. then the teacher didnt really wanna teach so he had his students write out questions to ask us.. it was the usual why are you here? where are you living? how old are you? can you speak indonesian?
lovely.. then the next class we went to ended up being observed by someone in PC.. so you can guess what happens.. the activity was such a fail.. the teacher ended up leaving so we had no one to help translate for us.. and by the time we finished the activity she still hadnt returned.. i was so done with my day by this time.. we didnt really have anything else planned so we tried doing simon says.. that didnt work.. i guess they dont really understand that game.. who knows.. then we had to have mary ellen help us get another game going.. i ended up going to talk to the observer, who happened to be a past volunteer from Africa (she has experience teaching..) and i apologized.. i felt bad because this was so not an accurate view of how we had been up until that moment.. she told me not to worry about it that we were keeping a positive attitude and thats really all that mattered.. ah well.. finally the teacher came back and we handed the class back to her and booked it..
afterwards we got some constructive criticism from her and she gave us some good ideas to use in the future if that happens.. hmm.. after teaching we went back into town and had some language class and then after we went and had a dinner and something with the mayor of batu..
let me tell you.. that was interesting.. of course it didnt start until 7 so we all knew we were going to be out pretty late.. butttttt.. it was hella interesting.. so we got there and then ate some food and then all the fun stuff started.. a couple of the trainees got up and sang some karoke.. it was hilarious.. gotta give it to them.. i dont think i could have gone up there and sang in front of my friends let alone all the trainees and some indonesians.. but it was good.. and then.. the fashion show started..
hopefully someone puts pictures up on facebook so you guys can maybe check it out.. i of course did not bring my camera so i have no photo memories of that night.. even so.. first of all.. indonesia is a very conservative country when it comes to dress.. i feel weird at times going out wearing a short sleeve shirt sometimes.. this fashion show really made a lot of us wonder what the heck was going on.. these teenage girls were walking around wearing this dresses that were very short and very tight.. almost like homecoming dresses but for some reason it was just shocking.. i know i have seen worse stuff in America but i was not expecting to see anything like that in indonesia.. just one of those things i guess that makes so go whattttt is going on??? but thats bound to happen a few more times right? hahah
we also got to see some traditional dancing which was nice.. it was an interesting night.. i just wish it could have been a little bit earlier.. i was dead by the time we got out of the event.. a lot of people were commenting on my allyson face.. im sure some people know what im talking about.. i have several annoyed/tired faces and im sure i kept flashing them because people kept saying they wanted a picture of me haha.. oh well ahaha..
so today was very tiring.. i could not wait to come home so i could go to bed.. but of course i have to type this first.. and i had to let my little sister place with my ipad.. shes been asking non-stop..
ahhhhhh.. well i think im going to wrap this up.. i think next week ill snap some pictures of the school im at but i dont really have anything to post up..
i was also just informed by my sister that my ibu was talking about taking me to a wedding on sunday.. the day that i planned on going to the island with everyone.. this is going to be a hard decision because i really want to go to a wedding to have that experience but at the same time i really want a break from everything and get a chance to hang out with everyone.. guess if she doesnt say anything to me by tomorrow ill tell her i have plans already..
welll im getting called lazy by my brother.. haha so im gunna get going.. haha..
love you all :)
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