i cant hardly believe that its been 8 days since i left home.. well as im writing this it was only like 7 and a half days my time.. but man! its felt like its been sooo long..
so today was pretty boring up until this afternoon.. more language which is good but it was a little confusing.. i didnt feel as though i understood it quite as much as i did yesterday.. but it is all good practice..
got some mosquito bites today.. they dont really itch though so im happy.. hopefully they were free of diseases..
so after classes we went on a trip to Malang to go by a HP or cell phone.. the trip was interesting. Around here we have to use an ankot (i may be spelling that wrong) but its a van with one side missing a door so you can hop on.. its not very comfortable and they stuff you in like sardines.. the trip took about a half hour to go down from the village. when i got dropped off it took like 10 minutes by car to get to where i live.. so you can imagine how slow it goes.. but we went and got on HP and then walked around for a few more things and finally went back to the village..
three of us (out of the 4) decided to go and use the wurnet (internet) cafe to check our emails and let people know we were alive.. they didnt have wireless so i couldnt email my blog entries to myself and then post them.. so i guess another day.. i had quite a few emails which was nice but i didnt really have time to respond since it was around 520 and i wanted to get home before my family started to worry about me.. i can only imagine what they would do since i didnt have my cell phone number to give them yet..
so went home had dinner and while i was eating we were talking about my phone and i got really confused and told them it cost 2.5 million.. they were sooo surprised and i said oh its cuz im Bule (foreign/white) they laughed.. then as im sitting there i realized that.. wow i only paid 250.000.. so i had to write i down and they all started laughing again.. this time at my expense.. i felt so dumb haha.. but it was a good laugh.. then my sister said something about me making bracelets so i went and got my string and tried to show her how to do it.. she understood pretty well after trying and then i said id make her, my little sister and my brother a bracelet.. so the little girl watched me as i made the bracelet.. i was more entertaining than the tv.. haha
ive tried using the phone and was only able to get through to one persons number before i gave up.. it wouldnt let me call home.. for some reason it doesnt like that number.. and when i called my dad it rang a few times and then stopped and finally i got through to hannah and left a vmail.. this phone stuff is just too much for me..
well im sleeping as im typing this so i best be off to dream land.. need all the sleep i can get.. pictures of my friends, money and the scenery are coming!
love you all :)
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